Hi, my name is

吴越 / Yue WU. *

PhD student @ USC

First-year PhD in CS @ Viterbi USC. Interested in theory, AGT & learning.

*: The correct order of my name is WU Yue, and 吴 / Wu is my surname.

About Me

My name is pronounced as [u˧˥.ɥœ˥˩] in IPA. As an approximation, the first syllable (surname) is how you would pronounce Wu in English, and the second syllable (given name) is similar to “suer” in French without the leading s, or “üä” in German.

I am a first-year PhD student at Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science at USC Viterbi.

I am currently working in the lab of Prof. Haipeng Luo in USC CS Theory Group. Current research topics including online learning in games, and algorithmic game theory in general.


Research Assistant (Intern) - Ant Group
Sept 2023 - Dec 2023
I worked as an RA intern at Ant Group, Hangzhou, China. Working with a talented group with backgrounds in optimization, finance and operatics, I did research on how large recommendation platforms can effectively steer the market of content creators and consumers.


Sept 2019 - June 2023
Bachelor of Science (Major: Data Science and Big Data Technology)
Peking University
GPA: 3.848 / 4.0, #1 of 13 in major, #5 of 377 in School of EECS


  • Hongyin Chen, Xiaotie Deng, Ying Wang, Yue Wu, Dengji Zhao. Sybil-Proof Diffusion Auction in Social Networks. Accepted by AAMAS 2023; preprint available online.


  • Graduated magna cum laude in the spring of 2023.
  • Merit Student for three academic years in a row (2019, 20, 21) for demonstrating outstanding performance.
  • Baosteel Scholarship (2019-20)
  • The Third Prize of Peking University Scholarship (2020-21)

Extracurricular Activities

  • I participated in the Collegiate Programming Contests, and won a Gold Medal in the 2019 ICPC Asia Yinchuan Regional Contest (15th place out of 242 teams).
High School
Hangzhou No.2 High School
I participated in various Olympiad in Informatics (OI) competitions during high school. Noteworthy awards include gold medal in APIO 2018 (Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad) and gold medal in CTSC 2018 (NOI China Team Selection Competition, Elite Track).


Lower bound of deterministic Zipfian top-k problem
Lower bound of deterministic Zipfian top-k problem

A complexity analysis for a specific data stream algorithm problem.

Course project for Algorithm Design and Analysis (Honor Track) by Dr. YANG Tong.


A toy compiler for a C subset, written in C++ (150KB code).

Project for our Compiler course in fall 2021.

Superliminal Auto-splitters
Superliminal Auto-splitters

Superliminal: a 2019 puzzle-platformer by Pillow Castle.
Speedrunning: trying to beat a video game as fast as possible.
Auto-splitter: a small script of code that detects the start, stages and end of a video game, usually to time speedruns.

I’m the maintainer of the auto-splitters for Superliminal since 2021. The development requires reverse-engineering the game.

Get in Touch

My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!